Experience transformative care right where you are


Inspired stories: thriving paths

The story of Gloria

A journey to healthy living

Meet Gloria, who recently lost her husband and is starting a new phase of her life. She's open to the possibilities ahead but also a bit apprehensive about  managing things on her own. Gloria wants to stay healthy and safe, but she's unsure how.
At ThriveWell At Home, we empower Gloria and others like her with a dedicated team and a personalized care plan, enabling them to live with confidence  and security, ensuring they never have to face uncertainty or solitude.
Our proactive approach provides customized support to prevent falls, traumatic events, and hospitalizations. We focus on anticipating needs and providing  support that mitigates risks and enhances quality of life. Furthermore, our holistic approach empowers our members to maintain independence and increase strength while inspiring them to connect with their purpose and community.
At the heart of our services is a compassionate, integrated approach to care. By integrating our physicians, clinicians, Care Concierges, and ThriveWell  Champions, we connect you to essential expert resources that help Gloria and others like her live a long, healthy, and fulfilling life.

Our ThriveWell At Home approach is designed to:

  • Add more healthy days by reducing avoidable emergency room and hospital visits.
  • Alleviate family member stress and caregiver fatigue.
  • Improve your quality of life while fostering greater well-being.
  • Reignite your purpose and build a supportive community.

Care concierge services

  • Support tailored to meet the diverse needs of our members.
  • Evaluate physical, emotional, social, and cognitive needs to develop personalized care plans and interventions.
  • Liaison between healthcare providers, ensuring seamless coordination of medical care.
  • Schedule appointments, manage medications and facilitate follow-up care.
  • Hospital-to-home program: manage hospitalizations, discharge planning, and crisis care management.
The story of Anna and her mother

A daughter’s relief

Anna’s mother, Mary, had always been fiercely independent. However, as she aged, her health began to decline. Frequent hospital visits, numerous medications, and the need for constant supervision became overwhelming. Anna, juggling a full-time job and her own family, found herself sinking under the weight of her mother’s care. Every hospitalization meant missed work, endless phone calls to doctors, and sleepless nights worrying about her mother’s well-being.

Then, Anna discovered ThriveWell At Home’s Care Concierge services. From the very first meeting, their Care Concierge conducted a thorough assessment of Mary’s physical, emotional, social, and cognitive needs. A personalized care plan was crafted, encompassing every aspect of Mary’s health and wellness.

The Care Concierge took over the coordination of Mary’s medical appointments, ensuring she never missed a doctor’s visit. They managed her medications meticulously, setting up a system that eliminated the confusion and errors Anna had previously Page 4 struggled with. Follow-up care was seamlessly arranged, and every detail of Mary’s health was monitored and adjusted as needed.

For Anna, the relief was immediate and profound. The ThriveWell At Home Care Concierge became her primary point of contact, keeping her informed and involved without overwhelming her with the day-to-day logistics. Anna no longer had to worry about managing the complexity of her mother’s care. She could trust that Mary was receiving the best possible care, and she could focus on being a daughter again rather than a full-time caregiver.

At ThriveWell At Home, we understand the immense burden that falls on family members when a loved one’s health deteriorates. Our Care Concierge services are designed to lift that burden, providing exceptional care for our ThriveMembers and unparalleled support for their families.

The story of Ruth

Rediscovering health and independence

Ruth had been struggling with her health. She had recently been hospitalized and now was having difficulty managing all her new medications while coordinating with so many specialists. Despite the long-term relationship with her doctor, she still found it difficult to get an appointment or even get a return phone call when calling their office. She knew she needed more personalized care and support.

Her son Paul was also concerned for his mother and heard about ThriveWell At Home, a company that integrates home care services with a ThriveWell Medical dedicated personal physician. After careful consideration, Paul and Ruth selected the Elite Wellness level of care, which includes a ThriveWell Champion, a Care Concierge, and a dedicated personal physician. Unlike typical practices, ThriveWell Medical's low patient ratio allows physicians more time with their patients.

Her new ThriveWell physician visited Ruth at  home and conducted a complete and comprehensive medical assessment. The physician discovered that Ruth was not taking her medications correctly and was able to simplify and optimize her medication regimen, resulting in fewer side effects. They also evaluated her nutritional status and coordinated with her ThriveWell Champion for grocery and meal recommendations.  Additionally, her Care Concierge conducted a home safety and fitness assessment and arranged for virtual personal training to help her regain strength. Together, they created Ruth's  wellness goals, and as a team, they optimized her health, nutrition, and mobility.

As Ruth's health improved and she regained her independence, she was able to travel to spend more time with her grandchildren. Knowing she still had access to her ThriveWell physician while away from home, Ruth felt secure and supported, embracing more of these precious moments with her family.

Our ThriveWell Elite Membership includes:

  • ThriveWell Champions private duty care
  • Medical director oversight
  • Thrive Tech expert solutions
  • Nutritional assessment
  • Fitness assessment & personalized plan
  • Care concierge services
  • Dedicated personal physician

Start your journey to healthy living today